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Conducting research in the Washington County School District

The Washington County School District recognizes good research as a building block for improving education.  Priority is given to projects that:

a) Yield useful products or data for our schools.
b) Align with District programs, goals, and mission.
c) Are conducted by WCSD staff in pursuit of advanced degrees.
d) Are not intrusive or interrupt classroom/school activities.

 Low priority is given to project that:

e) Study domains extraneous to improving the quality of teaching and learning.
f) Study domains that are inconsistent with the goals and mission of the District.
g) Include market research which does not relate to the District long-range objectives.
h) Include longitudinal research which requires tracking subjects and data from year to year.
i) Include topics unrelated to District programs.
j) Invade the privacy of subjects or post unjustified risk.

All procedures must follow the protections found in WCSD Policy 2500

Other consideration factors are: timing (projects occurring in the last quarter of the school year are less likely to be approved), the presence of other similar research activities that are occurring in the district,  and volume of already approved research activities.
General Directions

A completed application must include the following items listed below.  Please allow 2-3 weeks for a decision once completed materials have been received.

1. A completed Research Project Request (Form 521). (You may reference details from your research proposal on the application.)
2. Copy of your research proposal.
3. Copy of all interview protocols, surveys, questionnaires, observation guides, etc.
4. Copy of all disclosures and consent forms.
5. Copy of the IRB approval (or documentation that IRB approval is pending)
6. Copy of the vita or resume of the investigator(s). (Optional)

Submit application materials to:

Brian Stevenson
Director of Assessment & Research
Coral Cliffs Professional Learning Center
Washington County School District
2060 N. 2100 W.
St. George, UT 84770
 (435)634-7025 x 4200