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The Purchasing Department has the overall responsibility for purchasing goods and services, including construction, at the lowest possible cost consistent with the quality needed to meet the required standards established by the Washington County School District School Board. Our district currently has a decentralized purchasing system with an internal warehouse that houses custodial, food service and office supplies.


The Purchasing Department manages WCSD’s procurement program through the effective use of a wide array of purchasing procedures involving the issuance of solicitations, negotiation and award of contracts for all types of goods and services. Our goal is to provide timely and effective customer service consistent with sound public purchasing principles.

WCSD Warehouse
811 E. Brigham Road
St. George, Utah 84790

Learn more about WCSD purchasing requirements:

Technology Purchasing Quotes

Extensive research and negotiations have been discussed to obtain the best quotes for technology purchases in our district. As schools prepare to purchase new machines please use the following link to see the most current quotes.

Please note you will need to be logged into your district email account to access/view this list.

Please read before purchasing!

Although many of the quotes include multiple products, not all are “approved” for use in the WCSD network. Please refer to the approved/prohibited links below BEFORE making ANY purchases. If you do not find a specific device on either list call the I.T. Department first 435-634-4308. Also, please refer to WCSD admin letter for procedure/rules.

(Please note the above links are for WCSD Employees only)


Purchasing/Inventory Forms

PO Terms & Conditions

District Purchasing Policy

  • Less than $1,000: No bids or P.O. Required
  • $1,000-$4999.99: 2 Oral or Written bids (form 406), P.O. Required
  • $5,000 and over: 3 Written Bids (form 407), P.O. Required
  • Attach all documentation to Purchase Requests for approvals.

Exceptions – Items purchased from State or District Contracts.  Please list contract # in Purchase Request.


Purchasing Faqs


Are bids required for food purchases?

When food purchases are $1,000 or more, bids are required if the meal is going to be served buffet style.  If individual meals are ordered, then bids are not required.  In both instances, the district per diem rate must be followed.

Am I required to use state contracts?

No.  Contracts are there to help you find a source that has already been competitively bid.  If you would prefer to get bids on your own, that is certainly your prerogative.

What is required for a request for sole source?

To claim sole source, we must be able to document in detail that we have searched for alternative sources, and there must be a written description of what the special conditions or requirements are which make the purchase justifiable to only one source.  Brand or model name is not usually sufficient to justify sole source.  Often, these brands are available from several different distributors or retailers.

If a vendor is in Business Plus, does that mean that there is a contract?

No.  Think of Business Plus as a vendor phone book.  Just because they are in our system, doesn’t mean that there is a contract in place.  It is up to the requestor to reach out to vendors to obtain quotes, or to work with Purchasing on securing contracts based on whether the purchase amount exceeds bid thresholds.

The vendor is in Business Plus so that means they are an approved vendor, right?

Washington County School District does not have an “approved” vendor list.  Vendors are entered into Business Plus at the request of schools and departments, but we do not endorse or vet them outside of verifying tax information.  Requestors are encouraged to exercise their due diligence before making purchases from any vendor.

My requisition was not approved because I didn’t attach the documentation. Now that I have it attached, how do I restart it in workflow?

Make a change somewhere on the requisition.  This will restart the requisition and it will route through approvals again.


Can I use my p-card to purchase gas/fuel?

Fuel can be purchased with a p-card for an approved rental car or for maintenance equipment (custodians only).

Can I use my p-card to purchase food?

Individual meals are not authorized.  Food for groups or meetings is allowable in accordance with Administrative Letter #85.

How do I get my p-card limits increased?

Your finance secretary is the best person to contact regarding any changes to your card limits.

I lost my receipt, what do I need to do?

Contact the vendor to obtain a duplicate receipt.  If this is not possible, the cardholder must do their best to recreate the receipt with the detailed information that would normally be on an original receipt.

How do I look up a p-card invoice in BusinessPlus that is no longer in my workflow?

1-Working in BusinessPlus, go to the Purchasing Tab.

2-Click on “PCard Invoice Entry”.

3-In the top box labeled “Invoice”, enter the invoice number.  If you do not have the full number, enter * and then the last few digits of the invoice number.  Press Enter.

4-This will bring the invoice back up and you can make needed edits or attach receipts.  To attach additional receipts or see what has already been uploaded, click on the paperclip icon showing in the column on the left side of the screen.