Course Descriptions
Endorsement Information
Utah ESL Endorsement
A Utah ESL endorsement qualifies a certified teacher to provide English language development and sheltered instruction to ELLs at any proficiency level. To assist teachers in obtaining the Utah ESL endorsement, WCSD collaborates with the Utah State Office of Education and Utah Valley University to provide the ESL Endorsement cohort. Through completion of the cohort, participants may earn the Utah ESL endorsement. The cohort curriculum provides a strong literacy foundation and leads to high levels of ESL teaching proficiency. This curriculum also facilitates the use of effective instructional practices and assessment strategies. Teachers with ESL endorsements from other states are encouraged to follow the Utah State Office of Education procedures to receive the Utah ESL endorsement. The WCSD offers the following courses as part of the English as a Second Language endorsement and pays for these courses with Title III funds. The course descriptions follow.
This course is designed to prepare teachers to teach English as a second language (ESL) in U.S. public schools. It includes applied aspects of second language learning and teaching, and provides general and special educators and second language specialists the techniques, activities, strategies, and resources needed to plan instruction for English learners (ELs). The course emphasizes the development of teaching skills in oral language development, literacy, and content-area instruction for teaching K-12 students.
How do teachers realize a democratic education for all children? First, teachers must learn to move away from the view of “difference as deficiencies,” which continues to be prevalent in U.S. public schools. As we have become increasingly aware of the value and strength of diversity in our world, we become increasingly aware of the need to be more reflective of our role as educators in the classroom. A growing body of literature and experiences can guide us through this endeavor—but it implies a commitment on our part that is both personally and professionally demanding. The journey ought to be commended and ought to be shared in a safe and honest setting. Thus our goal this semester will be to embrace and analyze an experience of multicultural education and create a community of learners responsible for understanding the world we are committed to changing.
The course gives potential ESL teachers the knowledge of the required methods of identifying, placing, monitoring, and exiting non-English background students. It helps students develop the ability to assess, select, administer, interpret and communicate the results of formal and informal assessment procedures. It gives students an awareness of the importance of using varied data sources to distinguish developmental stages of language acquisition from other special needs.
This course is designed to provide teachers with a theoretical framework for understanding literacy and linguistic development of children and adolescents who are English learners; provide an understanding of the literacy instructional needs of these students; and increase knowledge and skill in instructional practices that support ELLs’ literacy learning.
This course examines the interconnectedness of culture, schools, home, and communities for under-represented populations. A large part of the course will be spent evaluating community programs that foster home and community interaction. Implications for K-12 classroom instruction are discussed. Practicum required
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