The Foundation is honored to sponsor the Washington County School District Sterling Scholar Program. This program publicly recognizes high school seniors who have pursued excellence in scholarship, leadership and citizenship throughout their school years and their lives. A potential Sterling Scholar presents a portfolio on his or her work in a specific category. They are interviewed by judges at various times. Winners and runners-up are selected at a high school level and winners go on to compete on a Regional level. At the WCSD awards night, held in early March of each year, the winners on the district level are presented and are awarded with a cash award given by the Foundation. These awards are made possible through the generous donors and businesses in our community. We thank our sponsors and
donors for their on-going support. -
The goal of the “Adopt a Classroom” program is to enhance the opportunities of learning in the K-12 classroom in the Washington County School District. The vision of the program is to help overcome stumbling blocks that may get in the way of enhancing education. Very simply put, classroom basics such as supplies and possible resources to purchase necessary items would help our classrooms. Your donations can help to enhance the learning process by giving a teacher to opportunity to incorporate a new idea in a classroom setting.
How can you help? Become involved by contacting your neighborhood school and find out what areas of need there are and then work out a possible way you can help. Did you know that you can donate to a specific school and to a specific classroom? Whether you are a parent, grandparent or even a neighbor of a child or teacher, you can donate to their classroom. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for your records. You may also donate in-kind or become a volunteer to help in a reading group. You can make an impact in a student’s life by supporting the Adopt a Classroom program.
Please contact your neighborhood school or call the Foundation office for more information.
The Adopt a School Program can be as adaptable as a business would want it to be. Many businesses encourage their employees to get involved with a school and volunteer to help students with reading and other activities. Some support a particular school by collecting school supplies in the summer so they are ready to drop off at the school at the beginning of the year.
Stephen Wade Family Foundation Heritage Elementary as their school to adopt about 2 years ago and they continue to help by holding barbecue lunches for their employees and families to attend throughout the year.. Everyone pays $5.00 per person and all the funds are used for school supplies for Heritage.
All Connect does a competition between departments to see who brings in the most school supplies. They have continued this tradition for several years now and have literally supplied truckloads of paper, pencils, glue sticks and other needed items for students.
Cache Valley Bank had just selected Sandstone Elementary as their school and is beginning a program with their employees.
If you or your business would like to adopt a school, please contact the foundation office.
At Risk Students need your help. “At Risk” students are statistically more likely than others to fail academically because their basic needs are not being met. These are students that may be hungry or do not have a bed to sleep in at night. They may need help medically and their family cannot afford to take them to the doctor or dentist, or they may not have adequate clothing and shoes.
In the past, money has been donated to purchase food, clothing, medicine, eye glasses and many other daily needs that families need. Whatever their need is, it is important that they receive what they need to help them to be able to learn and to receive a quality education. We depend on the community to help us. 100% of the donated funds go for the needs of the student and family and the opportunity for success of the students in our community becomes not just a hope but more like a promise, thanks to you.